Sunday, September 20, 2015

Moving Day!

Mark has officially moved to Milwaukee!  In true Jacobsen style, we enthusiastically departed Fulton in a three vehicle caravan yesterday morning before six o'clock.  Right out of the gate, we discovered the heater and defrost doesn't heat in the Edge, our car. Windows slightly opened and the A.C. fan blowing kept the windshield fog free until the sun came up.  The driver, that would be me, was a little COLD, but we forged ahead.

I wanted to reflect on the things we learned on this trip, but to be honest, we were well prepared, so no real surprises.  Tolls are higher than 14 years ago--the last time I was on a toll road.  Gas prices were very close to what they are in Missouri, so better for the fuel budget. Stopping for a liesurely breakfast took too much time.  Apartments are not always what is featured on a company's website. We can have a great time full of laughter, even when driving nearly five hundred miles in a single day.  That about sums up our "lessons" of the day.

About six hours into the drive, I was thinking how fortunate we are to have some of the amazing technology of the times.  Goohge Maps is a life saver.  A phone that works as a glorified GPS saved us a great deal of stress, and enabled us to enjoy the drive.  When we reached Milwaukee and ran into heavy traffic on an interstate under construction, we all lost sight of the other cars, but we all arrived at our destination within minutes of each other.  I was driving in the lead for most the trip, with just my phone and car radio for company, and I was able to keep us on the route without a great deal of confusion.  I will admit I missed the exit at Hannibal, Missouri, and did miss a state highway junction in Illinois, but was able to turn around and get us back on track quickly, due to the Google Maps App.  Thank you, Google!

Mark's apartment is charming and pretty well set up.  Today we will explore the city, and I will hopefully remember to take pictures.  The lesson for today: relax and cherish the memories we will be sharing for a lifetime.

"Jesus, take the wheel!"

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