Saturday, April 23, 2016

Objection to Acceptance?

April 23, 2016

Tatoos; not a fan.  While I must admit, some tatoos are beautiful pieces of art, I generally do not like the idea.  My daughter has a college friend, a beautiful young woman, who has at least one 'sleeve' and other tatoos of vibrant colors and intricate designs.  I know each tat has a story and symbolism; telling her 'story', but I can't help but wonder if she will ever regret the ink when she is my age.

Coby, our daughter, got her first tatoo a few years ago, after she had left home and was self-sufficient.  It is a nice Celtic knot on the top of her foot.  She held her ground when I made comments about permance and a rather nasty comment about branding herself like livestock. When my parents first saw the Celtic knot, and reacted much more calmly than either of us anticipated, Coby explained that the Celtic knot represented for her the Holy Trinity and the bond she has with her two brothers.  My dad was accepting, not encouraging, but accepting.  He teased her about it, but that was it.

After my dad died, our kids discussed the idea of having a tatoo designed to honor their grandfather.  I had sternly laid out the rule of "No tatoos until you don't need my info for college financial aid applications", and I was not asked to lift this edict for our youngest who is attending UCM in Warrensburg, Missouri.  Yet, the more the kids talked about it and tossed about some differnt designs and the placement options, I lifted the 'ban'.  Mark, the oldest son, nailed down the design, but decided he was not committed to a tatoo.

Last evening, Coby, and her youngest brother, Jerimiah, made that committment and acquired a tatoo to honor and remember their grandfather.  They chose a representation of the Timber Rock brand, originally designed by dad when our family established the family cattle business, Timber Rock Ranch.

I must admit the tatoo artist did an excellent job, and the tatoos looks just like our family brand.  I like them.  Perhaps the circumstance has softened my originally firm objection. Maybe I have 'mellowed' some over the last four or five years.  I am still not a fan, overall, of tatoos, but these two are adults and have a right to make their own decisions. The permance of a tatoo is probably my strongest objection; I am not sure.

I do admire Coby and Jerimiah for holding firm to their decision to honor their grandfather.  I also am proud of Mark for standing by his decision not to participate.  As close as my kids are, they each stay true to their individual paths.

Would my dad be pleased? I honestly do not know how he would react.  He loved his grandchildren and respected their opinions. I think it was a brave, bold, probably somewhat painful, and respectful gesture that will make their bond even stronger.  In later years, it will make a great beer drinking story!

Tatoos; not sure if I'm a fan...

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